Your opinion matters!

Want to help Foundspot?

  1. Foundspot is growing fast but it needs some help to improve the system and canalize (and broadcast) its energy: Suggestion, improvements ideas, etc. Your comments will be very useful!
  1. Share your experience! You can tell how was the meeting with the person who found you valuable belonging or you lovely pet. The same way, you can share how was the feeling of giving back something to the owner and their reaction.
  1. Collaborate with donations to maintain the service in continuing to help people to find or register items. Also it will help to collect funds for different social projects that help many people improve their quality of life.

  1. Be a Foundspot friendly place! You can use your bar, restaurant, shop, office, etc., to facilitate meetings between the person who lost and the person who find something or even to allow founders to leave their belongings to be retrieved later on by the owners.
  1. Whom we can help? Tell us the projects or causes we can use our funds for

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    Organizations we dedicate our social benefits