At Foundspot, we contribute part of our benefits to different organisations. In our first year, we have decided to collaborate with Anawim, a non-governmental organization.
The jungle area of Yurimaguas is one of the poorest areas of the Peruvian Amazon. In this area, family instability, drug addiction, alcoholism, the presence of gangs, home abandonment, human trafficking and prostitution makes an explosive and sadly mix. Yurimaguas is confronted day by day with all these problems.
In this town there has never been a courtship. On the contrary, the fathers of two families agree and from a very young age he is already assigned with whom his daughters are going to marry and immediately after his first menstruation they give her to a man so that he assumes her as his wife.
Anawim’s ONGD works with “THE VIRGIN HOME OF FÁTIMA” to be able to offer these young girls the atmosphere they never had in their homes, creating a family in an appropriate environment. Currently the center has thirty women who are not easy to feed on a daily basis, nor to offer basic health services. Anawim has the illusion that these women leave formed and with human maturity and when they return to their communities they can serve as a reference for other women and above all make them happy.
We thought it was a great project and a point of support for all those women and girls who have suffered since childhood and that is why Foundspot decided to make a solidary economic contribution.
Encourage yourself to collaborate and contribute in this great project in Peru! Enter this LINK